Tuesday, March 20, 2012

App Review: Dolphin Browser

         Dolphin browser is a very superb app. You need to make a log in but the rest is fine. One thing that I like about   the browser is when you shake the phone a assistant comes to help you. But when you shake with the shake add-on* then the shake doesn't work because the assistant comes instead of the add-on. *An add-on is a little app inside a big app.
        The shake add-on lets you do many things, like: change the tab, change the background, or nothing, just by shaking. But there is all sorts of add-ons. The link is, Dolphin browser

Monday, March 19, 2012

App Review: c:geo

        Today's review is for the Android app c:geo, a geogaching app for android.  I downloaded this when my dad encouraged me to go geocaching. Geocaching  is like a little treasure hunt. With this app you can find the hidden geochaes around your area. You follow the gps on your phone and follow the directions until you find it. 
       This of the app has really great information. I think this is better than other geocaching apps. I think I would rate it 4 and a half out of 5 stars.